
File Access for Object Storage

  • What are the greatest data storage and management challenges that organizations are facing today? How can they be addressed?
  • What are the key differences between “cloud first, on-premises second" and "on-premises first" models?
  • How can organizations with mission-critical on-premises workflows benefit from the cloud?
File Access for Object Storage WP Cover

This primer will take you through:

  • An overview of file systems and storage platforms  
  • Storage tiering and data lifecycle management
  • Hierarchical file storage compared to object and cloud storage
  • Limitations when it comes to integrating cloud storage into on-premises workflows
  • Strategies for integrating local file systems and cloud storage

“The migration of legacy servers and applications has proven to be slow, difficult and challenging for many users. There is a need for a new hybrid architecture that can facilitate the integration and migration of large-scale Windows NTFS cloud deployments while reducing cost and complexity.”